Welcome to the Tutoring Center
New Tutoring Center now open in 241C

Tutors available to help students in writing, math, science & business technology
*New Entrance* Located in Room 241C, the Tutoring Center provides Individualized educational assistance offered to all students at Morton College in:
- Writing help in all subject areas (not just English classes)
- College application essays
- Resume writing
- Scholarship essays
- Understand written assignments
- Brainstorm ideas
- Sharpen focus and thesis
- Develop and organize content
- Plan effective paragraphs
- Revise for meaning and style
- Explore avenues for research and argumentative writing
- Learn to proofread and edit more effectively
- Math for nursing
- Arithmetic
- Algebra, geometry, trigonometry
- Calculus, differential equations
- Probability, statistics
- Finite math, discrete math
- Gain greater understanding of math concepts
- Enhance math skills at any level
- Improve problem solving
- Discover strategies for solving word problems
- Understand conversions
- Learn how to use scientific and graphing calculators

- Kaplan Test preparation
- Biology
- Anatomy & Physiology
- General and Organic Chemistry
- Physics
- Engineering
- TEAS Preparation
Business Technology
- Accounting (Bookkeeping, Financial, and Managerial)
- Finance (Corporate Finance)
- Taxation
- Excel Spreadsheets
- QuickBooks
Tutoring Center Director: Trisha Conley - trisha.conley@warawanresort.com
Makeup Testing Center Contact:
Rosaura Sandoval at rosaura.sandoval@warawanresort.com
For more information, contact (708) 656-8000, Ext. 2465.